KOGS Statements

Anti-Corruption Policy
Dear Member, read about the Kenya Obstetrical And Gynaecological Society Position Statement on Anti-Corruption Policy.

KOGS Position Statement On Abortion
Dear Member, read about the Kenya Obstetrical And Gynaecological Society Position Statement on Abortion.

KOGS Statement on Eradicating FGM
Dear Member, read about the Kenya Obstetrical And Gynaecological Society Statement on the commitment to end medicalization of female genital mutilation in Kenya.

MSD HPV Vaccination Webinar – 28th April
Dear Member, KOGS in conjunction with MSD would like to invite you to a webinar.

Request For Audit Service
Background The Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society (KOGS) is a professional not-for-profit Society Established and registered in 1976 under Society’s Act Cap 108 of the

KOGS Statement on Covid-19 Vaccine Among Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women
Vaccination represents the most promising strategy for combatting COVID-19 through primary prevention. KOGS applauds the decision by the Government of Kenya to scale up COVID-19