Communication and sensitization about legal frameworks and guidelines

The non-availability of standards and guidelines for safe abortion remains a stumbling block. Despite a lack of progress in the policy environment, KOGS has taken several actions to improve the implementation of the law; outcomes need to be monitored.

Activities and outputs developed by KOGS under the project to support the communication, sensitization and implementation of the legal framework

  • KOGS supported and guided a revision of the (pre-existing) national post-abortion care guidelines, which were further distributed through the Ministry of Health.
  • It contributed to the joint sector statement to operationalize the bill of rights and facilitate access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  • KOGS submitted a memorandum on the proposed reproductive health bill. The memorandum’s content was discussed with the chairperson of the parliamentary health committee, also giving visibility to KOGS’s agenda among the decision-makers. The reproductive health bill is still under review.
  • In collaboration with legal experts, KOGS developed a legal paper on the discrepancy between the constitution, bill and the penal code. The paper was disseminated with the Kajiado health management team and reproductive health stakeholders.
  • In collaboration with the Center for Reproductive Rights and with Reproductive Health Network Kenya, KOGS developed a rejoinder report following Kenya’s United Nations Human Rights Committee review.


“It is still…I would say there are still grey areas, because the larger public does not understand it, so I think the project would still need to be cascaded to a wider audience, because you see it is one thing for you to understand but it is another thing for you to…, I think a small group with awareness has been created but we need a larger group to appreciate.”

health worker – VCAT trainer